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Causes of Frequent Gum Bleeding

Published on:2017-3-15

Healthy gums are pink, tough and elastic, and they don’t bleed easily. But when frequent bleeding, edema , dark or spongy gums occurs, there must be some problem with your gum.

The AKJ dentists pointed out that the major causes of frequent gum bleeding are as following.

1.Hard Toothbrush

Hard toothbrush easily damages the tooth gum and leads to gum bleeding. So we’d better choose soft tooth brush.

2.Improper Way of Tooth Brushing

Improper way of tooth brushing, like brushing too hard, causes gum injury to bleeding. Therefore, right way of tooth brushing is fairly important. The right way of tooth brushing should be a combination of vertical brushing and horizontal brushing. In a vertical tooth brushing, tilt the brush at a 45° angle against the gumline and sweep or roll the brush away from the gumline for 5~6 times . The horizontal tooth brushing is used for cleaning the pit and fissure of occlusal surface, with 8~10 back-and-forth strokes on each side.

3.Increased Work Pressure

Some people get gum bleeding and bad breath during tooth brushing as a result of increased work pressure recently. Apart from relieving stress, it is recommended to have a teeth scaling in a formal dental hospital first, and then combined with the right way of tooth brushing.

4.Systemic Diseases

Gum bleeding can be a symptom of many diseases instead of just one disease. Some systemic diseases can also lead to bleeding gum, such as leukemia, hemophilia, pernicious anemia, liver cirrhosis, hypersplenism etc.. If gums often bleeding, or skin often appear some green purple spots, accompanying with the symptom such as yellow face and general weakness, it should be timely to have blood and liver function check-ups. Finally, corresponding treatment will be made according to the check-up results.


Another possible cause of gum bleeding is oral local problem, in other words, periodontitis. Periodontal patients often have gum bleeding, bad breath or swollen gums while blood routine result is quite normal. In this case, just tooth scaling is obviously not enough and a deep and systematic periodontal treatment should be carried out as well. After that, keeping oral hydiene, and regular scaling and check-ups is the only effective way to prevent from gum bleeding.

The above mentioned is a brief introduction of the causes for frequent gum bleeding. AKJ dentists pointed out that bleeding gum could be caused by oral disease, or the early symptom of some systemic diseases. Therefore, as soon as frequent gum bleeding occurs, please visit the doctor to find out the actual causes and have corresponding treatment.