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Will Pericoronitis of Wisdom Tooth Get better by Itself?

Published on:2018-7-10

    Without doubt, many people have experienced inflammatory and aching wisdom teeth in person. The pain is set to affect day-to-day practices, such as speaking, drinking, eating and even sleeping. As it happens quite often, some may well get used to the pain. Pain being rather severe, they may merely seek a few painkillers to help them get through that. Hence, they tend to develop a thought that it requires no treatment for the pericoronitis of wisdom tooth since it will get better later. 

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, though inflammatory wisdom teeth are able to heal itself over time, without any intervention there is a chance that the inflammation might move to other areas and trigger other problems. It’s suggested to seek a local washing from hospital for eliminating the inflammation in time, instead of enduring the pain all the time. 

    Wisdom teeth, also called the third molars, usually come out at one’s late teens or early twenties. Don’t know whether you’ve got them or not? Counting from your central incisor, if you have eight teeth on each side, then the eighth one would be the wisdom tooth. If its surrounding tissues are red, swollen and painful, it means there is an inflammation. Whether or not the inflammation will disappear by itself, it varies among different individuals. 

    At the early stage, it’s not hard to mitigate pericoronitis. Given that you always leave it alone, chances are that it may ultimately lead to other more severe troubles. You’d better seek proper treatment to reduce inflammation and pain in time, as the pain will lay quite large a impact on your daily life. In particular for women preparing to have baby, it’s suggested to see a dentist and extract the wisdom teeth always susceptible to inflammation in advance. Otherwise you may suffer from more severe pain if it gets inflamed during pregnancy, which may take a toll on the health of both the mother and baby. 

    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)