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Tooth Loss before Age of 30

Published on:2019-11-28

The body is 30 years old, but the teeth are 60 already. This can be seen in a number of young people nowadays. How come? And how to save our teeth?

Is tooth loss at a young age a disease? Is it serious? How to treat it? These are the "three-questions-in-a-row" asked by many people. Though the causes of tooth loss differ from person to person, there’s a common reason shared by most cases.

According to the dentists of Shenzhen AKJ Dental Hospital, human organs will gradually degenerate, so do the teeth after the age of 30. To be specific, the enamel on the outer layer of the teeth will become thin and yellow. This is a natural physiological change, so no need to take it seriously.

Why do teeth fall out at a young age?

What we need to pay attention to is the loosening and missing of teeth caused by pathological reasons. Based on a number of clinical cases, it is found that the main cause of tooth loss in young people is dental disease, including tooth decay, gingivitis and periodontitis.

If a person is suffering from poor oral hygiene, food debris can be easily caught and remain in the oral cavity for a long time, which can give rise to cavity-causing bacteria. The bacteria will decay the teeth from the surface to the inside and then to the root, loosening the teeth;

Moreover, food debris adhering to the surface of the tooth like a layer of membrane will turn into plaque within 12 hours, and the continuous buildup of plaque will become solid calculus which can develop into underneath the gums, stimulating the surrounding tissues, and causing the resorption of the alveolar bone, thereby making the teeth shaky.

How to prevent tooth loss at a young age?

1. Clean your mouth carefully, including regular brushing, rinsing and flossing; avoid consuming food after tooth brushing at night; keep a good eating habit, and limit hard or cold foods.

2. Go for regular dental checkup, regular dental cleaning, and treat the teeth that require dental filling or root canal treatment, or which are slightly shaky or completely lost. The longer you put off the treatment for a missing tooth, the more difficult and costly the surgery will be.

3. Prevent and treat periodontal disease as soon as possible. Young people with periodontal disease should seek systematic treatment and maintenance. Otherwise, it may impact other healthy teeth. Moreover, patients should adhere to treatment even though it will take a long time, otherwise the disease will recur easily.

In conclusion, tooth loss at the age of 30 doesn’t indicate a lack of nutrition. The simple reason is because you didn’t realize the importance of regular dental checkup and dental care. If you maintain good oral hygiene, you need not to worry about tooth loss at 30. 
