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How Much Does it Cost for a Hollywood White Smile?

Published on:2019-8-31

How do celebrities get their Hollywood white smile? A lot of fans are desperate to know their secret! There are currently quite a few options for those who want the perfect smile, prices start at 2,000 RMB to 8,000 RMB and possibly more. So which option is best for you?


A lot of international celebrities are admired for their perfect white teeth and fans often want the same, despite the fact that they know the teeth are possibly fake they still want the “Hollywood White Smile”.  


How Much Does a Hollywood White Smile Cost?

Hollywood white smile is a flawless bright white smile which is loved by celebrities. Currently the options below are the best methods to achieve that great smile.


1.      Cold-light Whitening Treatment

This treatment uses whitening agent to bleach teeth, suitable for the degree of discoloration of teeth. It is usually possible to choose the shade of white that you want to achieve. For some patients, there should be no problem in getting that Hollywood white smile.


2.      Veneers

This is where a thin layer of material is place over the tooth to improve the aesthetics of the tooth surface. A thin layer of enamel will have to be removed from the tooth before the veneers can be fitted. The shade and material of the veneers can be chosen by patients.


3.      Dental Crowns

A dental crown is placed over a existing tooth so the enamel of your existing tooth will have to be filed down for the dental crown to fit. Dental crowns can enhance the shape and color of your teeth as your existing teeth will be covered.


In terms of prices, cold-light whitening costs start at 2,000 RMB whereas veneers and dental crowns are substantially more expensive. Prices for veneers and crowns are based on per tooth, prices range start at 3,000 RMB per tooth and with more expensive materials you can expect costs to reach 8,000 RMB per tooth.


Tip: You should visit a dentist for professional advice, the Hollywood white smile is achievable with the above methods, but we must emphasize that the Hollywood smile is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, you should go to a professional consultation at a clinic before going ahead with any procedures as any treatment that involves removing enamel cannot be reversed.



Cosmetic dentistry