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Do Orthodontic Clear Aligners Work?

Published on:2019-9-4

Over the past few years the growing popularity of plastic clear braces professionally known as orthodontic aligners has taken orthodontic care to a new level. However, a lot of patients often ask do plastic aligners work as effectively as traditional braces?


The latest trend in orthodontics is the clear plastic aligners and costs are more expensive than traditional braces so no wonder patients are worried about results! So here is a quick guide and breakdown of how clear aligners work.


How Do Clear Aligners Work?  

Clear aligners are “custom- made” for every patient. Dentists will use the i-Tero scanner to create 3D digital images of the teeth and patients can even see the before and after results. After, the orthodontist will devise a treatment plan depending on the position of the teeth and mapping out how the teeth will shift with the use of different aligners at certain stages.  


Patients usually switch to a new set of aligners every 2 weeks according to the advice of their orthodontist. Though it must be emphasized that aligners must be worn at least for 20 – 22 hours a day.


How effective clear aligners are will depend on the following:


1. How often patients wear the aligners: Each set of aligners apply different amounts of pressure and forces to create predictable teeth movement so this will require patients to wear the aligners accordingly. If patients do not wear aligners for the recommended time or as advised by the orthodontist they may experience problems when they try to put on the new set of aligners.


2. Are clear aligners suitable for the patient: A orthodontist will have to carry out an examination to determine whether the patient is suitable. If clear aligners is not an option for the patient and they are adamant that they want to go through with the treatment it will not give effective results.


3. Persistence of Patients: With clear aligners patients have to be willing and persisting with wearing the aligners. Straightening the teeth with aligners can take between 1 – 2 years so patients have to be determined to see the treatment to the end.


4. Wearing retainers: Once the orthodontic treatment has finished the importance of wearing a retainer is top priority. The retainer can be made of different materials and during the first 6 months it is advised that you wear your retainer as advised if not the teeth will shift.