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Removing Dental Calculus

Published on:2019-9-12

Dental calculus is a crusty deposit that is found on teeth which traps stains and also a culprit for discoloration. Dental calculus cannot be removed with brushing and can only be removed by professional dental hygienists or dentists. Generally speaking, calculus can be seen on the back of teeth and along the gum line. However, dental calculus can also be found in between teeth.


How to Remove Dental Calculus in Between Teeth?

Can dental calculus between teeth be successfully removed? Due to the area being hard to reach a lot of patients are worried that calculus can't be completely removed. However, with a professional scale and polish dental calculus can be removed from between teeth and gum line.


A ultrasonic scaler is often used to remove the calculus, the ultrasonic scaler will emit ultrasonic waves to break down the calculus and plaque. The ultrasonic cleaner is connected to a water hose which sprays water over your teeth as it moves so there is not direct contact between the scaler to teeth and gums. Therefore, patients don't need to worry that it will damage the teeth or gums. It is advised that a scale and polish should be done 1 to 2 times a year.  


After Scaling

Once the dental calculus has been removed you might feel that the gaps between teeth have gotten wider. The main reason for this is because the dental calculus before removal the gaps will have been blocked which cannot be seen. With the gaps between teeth being widened, parts of the tooth root may be exposed, therefore there might be soreness and sensitivity after the scaling. This is considered normal and may continue for a few days.


After a week the symptoms of soreness and sensitivity should subside, but for more serious cases where dental calculus is along the gum line then further treatment is required to remove calculus from below the gum line. If you have been diagnosed with gum disease then scaling below the gum line must be carried out to prevent the gums receding.