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White Spots on Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

Published on:2020-1-11

During the course of orthodontic treatment some patients find that their teeth may develop white spots. This is often linked to bad oral hygiene! A lot of patients often think the white spots are cavities and ask whether orthodontic treatment can result in cavities?


1. White spots on teeth are down to lack of oral hygiene!

Once braces are fitted onto the teeth it’s easy to miss certain areas when brushing. When the teeth are not cleaned properly this can lead to staining, plaque and other problems. Bacteria in the mouth breeds quickly and lives off sugars and expels acid which attacks the layer of enamel on teeth. As a result, the teeth begin to demineralize.


What is demineralization? Demineralization is loss of mineral from tooth enamel and it usually appears as a white area on the tooth surface. These white spots are the first signs of cavities!


2. What will happen during demineralization?

If the signs of demineralization is ignored then the bacteria will continue to breed and develop into cavities. Then there will be signs of pain and will slowly affect the dental pulp causing pulpitis and more seriously periapical periodontitis.  


3. What should be done for tooth demineralization?

It’s advised that you should make an appointment at a dental clinic for a thorough oral examination and should take steps to avoid the possibilities of cavities developing.  


4. How can demineralization be avoided?


 – Oral hygiene is the most important with brushing at least twice a day, rinsing after meals and also not to forget flossing is also vital.


 – A balanced diet is also important, restricting the amount of sugar consumption can prevent acid erosion of the teeth.


 – Remember that frequent check-ups are required so don’t miss any dental appointments. As soon as you spot any problems with your teeth you should make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible.