• 86-4000489168
  • Cold-light Whitening for Stained & Discolored Teeth

    Discolored and stained teeth is one of the biggest concern for most people. However, there are different types of stained teeth, therefore patients need to be aware of the reasons why teeth are yellow, stained or discolored. Therefore it's advised that patients should visit a dentist to get professional advice.  Types of Sta...

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  • How to whiten yellow teeth at the age of 30?

    Teeth turn yellow at the age of 30. How to whiten them? That depends on the case, like what’s the cause of yellowing teeth. Usually a targeted whitening plan will be made by the dentist after ascertaining the cause reason. How to whiten yellow teeth at the age of 30? Yellow teeth at the age of 30? No worries. The most important ...

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  • What are the advantages of cold light whitening?

    1. What is cold light whitening? It is a procedure to lighten up the teeth by using blue light with 400-500nm wave length (the temperature of the light remains unchanged, so it is called cold light), to activate the whitening agent painted on the teeth which contains 20%-30% peroxide. Free radicals released in the hydrogen perox...

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