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Key Elements for the Success of Orthodontics Treatment

Published on:2017-2-17

Orthodontics is a time-consuming and money cost treatment. The average length of this treatment is 16 to 24 months, and even longer. That means you might need to wear braces for one to two years. Therefore, meticulously caring for braces is crucial, as is caring for your teeth and gums. During the treatment period, there are some aspects should pay attention:

Keep good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial for successful orthodontics. Taking care of your teeth and gums by brushing and flossing with braces becomes extremely important when you wear braces, and caring for them means creating brushing and flossing routine. You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush or floss your teeth after every meal to avoid food residues and bacteria accumulation. Remember to brush and floss gently in order to avoid damaging the wires and brackets. Patients who have not reached good oral hygiene standards are much more likely to suffer from tooth decay after treatment begins.

Do not eat hard and sticky food.

Since braces will put pressure on your teeth to move teeth to desire position. Chewing hard food will add pressure on braces causing braces fall off. Sticky foods, such as caramels or gummy candy, are likely jammed between your teeth or in the wiring of your braces and on the brackets. You’d better not to eat these two kinds of food when you wear braces.

Give up the bad habits of mouth breathing, thumb sucking and wagging tongue.

Bad habits of mouth breathing, thumb sucking and wagging tongue hinder teeth movement. What’s more, these habits lead a risk of relapse after the braces were taken off.

Return visits following dentist advice.

Teeth movement has its own cycle and the adjusting movement needs to be done slowly or otherwise the patients risk losing their teeth. Every time you return visit, the dentist will adjust the braces to reduce the pressure added on teeth reduces gradually. The whole duration of orthodontics treatment lasts about 2 years and normally patient should return visit every month in the 6 months.

Wear retainers after taking off the brace.

Finally the braces can be taken off. You think all is done and your teeth have no worries behind? That’s not the truth. You probably need to wear a retainer for many years after orthodontics treatment, especially for adults. A retainer's primary job is to help stabilize your teeth after you've had braces, avoiding relapse. On the other hand, teeth movement exits in people’s whole life. If you don’t wear a retainer, your teeth will move back, reforming a malocclusion or misalignment. Don’t worry that it is trouble for you for retainers just need to wear in night-time or part-time in general condition.