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What are the Best Methods to Whiten Teeth?

Published on:2017-8-29

The causes of tooth staining and yellowing can be divided into two kinds: exogenous and endogenous. The exogenous staining is mainly caused by tea residue, smoke spot, wine or other mineral substance in the drinking water. Endogenous staining is formed in the process of tooth development, such as tetracycline teeth and dental fluorosis. Tooth whitening must be treated according to staining causes in order to get the desired effects.


The following four methods can be used to whiten the teeth:


Ⅰ. Tooth whitening gel

Tooth whitening gel plays a certain decolorizing function to deal with the teeth staining: the tetracycline teeth,   fluorosis, tea residue, etc. But the effect is not ideal towards enamel surface loss.



Ⅱ. Cold light tooth whitening technology

The most popular used technology today is BEYOND Professional Teeth Whitening system which provides you with a simple, safe, convenient way to return your teeth to an optimal, natural whiteness in just 30 minutes. The principle operation is using the narrow beam of high-intensity blue light, combined with the whitening gel, after a special optical process removes harmful infrared and ultraviolet light, this rapidly whitens the entire surface of all teeth that restoring them to beautiful, naturally white looking teeth. Cold tooth whitening technology can remove the surface and the deep pigment attached to the tooth by special light effects.


Ⅲ. Dental veneer


Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells (porcelain or resin composite laminate) of tooth-colored materialsdesigned to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length. Good skills of the dentists are required for this treatment.


Ⅳ. Porcelain Crown

A crown would be the restoration of choice is when a patient desires to have the appearance of his or her smile improved but when partial coverage (i.e., a veneer/laminate) is not an option for one or more reasons. If the patient's occlusion does not permit for a mildly-retentive restoration, or if there is too much decay or a fracture within the tooth structure, a porcelain or composite veneer may not be placed with any adequate guarantee for its durability. Similarly, a "bruxer" (someone who clenches or grinds their teeth) may produce enough force to repeatedly dislodge or irreversibly abrade any veneer a dentist can plan for. In such a case, full coverage crowns can alter the size, shape or shade of a patient's teeth while protecting against failure of the restoration.Porcelain crown is widely used today to deal with tooth whitening. The customized dental crown will be covered to the grinded original tooth.



Although treatment results can be rapid, stains can reappear within the first few months and years of treatment. In order to maintain your whitened smile, there are multiple ways to protect your teeth and prolong the treatment.


Brush or rinse mouth immediately after eating and drinking

Chewing sugar-free gum

Floss to remove plaque

Use whitening tooth paste once or twice a week to avoid surface stains

Drink harsh beverages through a straw



Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital is the largest professional dental chain in Southern China. AKJ’s outstanding service has gained a great reputation across Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau. Established for over 20 years, AKJ has served over a million friends and will continue to reach higher levels of performance. If you want to learn more, please contact the dentists at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital for consultation.www.akjdental.com