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How to Deal with Crooked Wisdom Teeth?

Published on:2017-8-25

Don’t be fooled! Wisdom teeth do not actually make you smarter, although that would probably make the pain and problems worth it. Wisdom teeth are actually the third of the molar series to grow and are located at the back behind your last set of molars. When your wisdom teeth erupt, you grow two on the top and two on the bottom.

The problematic wisdom teeth will not only frequently cause inflammation and sometimes will cause teeth deformity if the teeth are crooked. Then, in general, what should we do to deal with the crooked teeth? Is it a must to pull them out? The dentist at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital expressed that as a general rule, the crooked teeth can be pulled out. 

The crooked wisdom teeth will do great harm to the oral cavity because of the malposition of the wisdom teeth. If the following situations occur, it is suggested to pull out the wisdom teeth.

Ⅰ. When the wisdom tooth is a decayed tooth or when the wisdom tooth causes the adjacent teeth to be decayed.

 In this situation, it is suggested to pull out the wisdom tooth in case that it will interfere with the adjacent teeth and causes cavities. It is better to pull out the wisdom teeth directly rather than filling the teeth.

Ⅱ. Wisdom teeth pericoronitis

Since there’s no enough space for the impacted wisdom teeth, the phenomenon of swelling and pain will go along with. If it breaks out repeatedly, you are required to see the dentist to diminish inflammation and then pull out the wisdom teeth.

Ⅲ. Cooperating with the orthodontic treatment

 In order to guarantee the treatment effects of orthodontic treatment, usually the wisdom teeth need to be pulled out.

. There’s no counter-biting tooth for the wisdom tooth

If the wisdom teeth have no counter-biting teeth, then there’s possibility that the wisdom teeth will elongate and therefore interfere with the normal occlusion. In this situation, the wisdom teeth can be pulled out.

The wisdom teeth that have normal occlusion, right position and never cause inflammation can be kept for further observation. Except for these wisdom teeth, other crooked teeth are all suggested to be pulled out after inflammation in case of the bigger hidden trouble. The best way to track the progress of your wisdom teeth and determine if they need extracting is to come in for regular check-ups and x-rays in a professional dental hospital.