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Orthodontic Result Bounce Back?

Published on:2018-3-26

    In the wake of improvement of living standard and change of living style, people have attached more importance to oral health. Actually, most dental problems are results of a gradual progression. For those wanting to seek orthodontic treatment, they usually concerns a lot about whether it will bounce back. 

    By and large, it won’t bounce back if you seek professional orthodontic service from a reliable dental hospital. Prior to the treatment, the orthodontist will take a thorough examination and diagnosis on patients’ oral conditions, so as to make a customized treatment plan that perfectly fits them. 

    A bounceback is likely to come following poor after-treatment care. In other words, the result is somewhat within your control, which is quite a good news. In order to prevent it from bouncing back, you need to pay close attention to the following aspects. 

    1.Seek treatment from a professional dental hospital. 

    A professional orthodontist will comprehensivly diagnose and analyse your crooked teeth before making an appropriate treatment plan, trying best to produce an aesthetic and stable result, and reduce risks of bouncing back. 

    2.Persistently wearing retainers.

    Designed to address the issue of bouncing back, retainers remain an important part of a successful orthodontic treatment. After removal of braces, a new occlusal balance is yet to be established and bad oral habits are yet to be altered. Thus, it’s necessary to wear retainers for one or two years, with a view to maintain the result. 

    3.Take good care of retainers.

    When wearing retainers, you ought to avoid biting hard or large-piece food, and pay regular visits to hospital for examination, in order to keep your retainers function well. 

    4.Keep good oral hygiene.

    As we all know, it’s of great significance to keep good oral hygiene. Without effective cleaning, there will be a large amount of bacteria growing in your mouth, leading to development of dental calculus which will do harm to your teeth over time. 

    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)