Published on:2018-4-14
Despite that currently most people are quite familiar with dental cleaning, some may still wonder why we should seek such procedure. Is it really necessary for us to schedule regular dental cleanings? The answer is absolutely “YES”.
Dental cleaning plays an essential role in maintaining oral health, increasingly popular among numerous countries. In China, however, most people remain unaware of its importance. Some even suppose that it will do harm to teeth, including enlarging teeth gaps and shortening teeth service life. Obviously, such opinions are not right.
In General, dental calculus to varying degrees is an issue facing a large portion of adults. Without regular dental cleanings, there is a likeliness to provoke periodontitis, finally resulting in tooth loosening and even tooth loss. Scheduling regular dental cleanings is of great necessity in particular for those with tartar and recurrent gingivitis, or those suffering from tobacco-, tea- and coffee-stained teeth. The teeth will be much more clean and comfortable after dental cleaning removing the calculus.
Making use of the high-frequent vibrations of ultrasonic, ultrasonic scaling serves to effectively remove plaque and calculus. As a result, it’s now the commonly applied technique. Under correct operations, it will do little harm to teeth.
Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)