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Causes of Swollen and Sore Gums

Published on:2018-4-25

    Swollen and sore gums, regardless of its causes, will make you suffer and require timely treatment. It’s not something that can be well dealt with a few pills against inflammation. You’d better take a checkup from a dental hospital to nail down its underlying cause and seek customized treatment. 

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, causes leading to swollen and sore gums usually included:

    1.Pericoronitis of wisdom tooth

    It refers to inflammation of tissues surrounding wisdom teeth which fail to erupted in desired positions. Actually such cause is very common to see and will result in severe pain, negatively impacting the dinning process as well as pronunciation.



    Without timely treatment, gingivitis demonstrated as bleeding, swollen and sore gums, will eventually evolve into periodontitis which will see symptoms of gingival recession, tooth loosening and bad breath. Undoubtedly periodontitis will be much more difficult to fixed than gingivitis. 


    3.Get inflamed

    Generally speaking, dry mouth and getting inflamed simply caused by dry weather or eating spicy foods, will soon see mitigation following adjustment in diet and daily schedule. If you’re not sure, you’d better resort to a dentist for a confirmed diagnosis. 


    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)