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Teeth Grinding

Published on:2018-5-10

    Teeth Grinding, technologically called bruxism, refers to unconscious movements between the two arches of teeth during sleeping. It can be caused by enormous stress, irregular lifestyle or endocrine disorder. Ostensibly it seems not a big deal, but in reality it does great harm to teeth and physical health, including severe teeth abrasion, temporomandibular joint disorders, facial pain and headaches. For example, the occlusal force under normal circumstance amounts to 30 kilograms, while that created by teeth grinding can reached even more than 100 kilograms. Actually, it will cause harm not only physically, but also psychologically. 

    Even though you have become aware of your teeth movements at night, you cannot stop it by your will power alone. Then how can you deal with that?

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, you don’t need to worry a lot if teeth grinding movements just happen occasionally. However, if it does occur frequently, you might as well come to hospital for a thorough checkup and seek proper treatments in a timely manner. It would be much better if you can take some measures to get the condition under control.

    As is known, malocclusion will aggravate bruxism. In such cases, you need to seek orthodontic services to realign teeth, thus reducing the severity of teeth grinding.

    Besides, a fitted mouth guard should be worn to both alleviate the abrasion on teeth and relieve pressure on joints.

    Most importantly, you must try your best to keep a good mood and strike a balance between work and rest, preventing yourself from being thrown into excessive pressure and anxiety. 

    Feel free to contact me if there is any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)


Oral Health