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Space Retainers After Extraction for Children

Published on:2018-5-30

    Space retainers may be needed after extraction for children, with a purpose to keep a normal space for future tooth eruption. Then how long should it be worn? According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, it depends. And not everyone needs to wear space retainers following tooth removal. 

    Space retainers won’t be necessary if the extraction socket is about to be occupied by newly erupted tooth soon. With a long period of time prior to the future eruption, however, it’s suggested to wear a space retainer in time. By doing so we can prevent the two adjacent teeth from inclining to the socket, and thus avoid dental deformity. 

    If needed, a space retainer can be put on around a week after the extraction. It’s not going to cast any negative impact on subsequent tooth eruption. Nor will it cause other side effects. 

    As shown by relevant study, children wearing space retainer will be less likely to suffer from crooked permanent teeth than those not wearing it. Hence, it’s suggested to wear space retainer before the age of eight for the early loss of the deciduous first molar, and before nine for the deciduous second molar. And it would be much better to seek space retainer timely following tooth loss. 

    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)