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How to Prevent Dental Caries for Children

Published on:2018-6-21

    As is known to all, practicing good oral hygiene like brushing twice, flossing once a day and rinsing mouth after every meal, plays an important role in preventing dental caries. Are there any other ways for better preventing decayed tooth? Of course there are. According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, you can pay much attention to the following aspects. 

    1.Develop healthy dietary habits. First of all, you’d better cut sugary and sour foods from your children’s daily food list, especially set a cap on the amount of sugar they consume every day. Every time after enjoying sugar and meal, push them to brush teeth or rinse mouth in time. In addition, treat them to more coarse-fibre foods, such vegetables, fruits and lean meat, which help to remove dental plaque. 

    2.Schedule regular dental check-ups. It’s suggested that you should take your children to hospital for a check-up every 6 moths, with a view to detect whether there are tooth cavities.  

    3.Conduct relevant dental care procedures, like dental fluoridization or fit and fissure sealing. Put simply, both procedures apply a protective layer to insulate teeth from bacteria. It’s said that fit and fissure sealing works greatly well to prevent caries. A timely sealing for the first permanent molar is especially necessary. 

    4.Keep a close eye on dental deformity of children. An early correction will be required if there’s any malocclusion or misalignment. Otherwise the misaligned teeth will easily subject to food entrapment, promoting bacterial growth and lead to caries over time. With any supernumerary tooth or deciduous tooth retention, take an examination and get them removed in a timely manner. 


    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)