Published on:2018-7-19
As awareness of oral health increases, many parents tend to seek pit and fissure sealing for their children as a precaution for dental caries. How much is the procedure? Actually it’s quite affordable, costing around three hundred in Chinese currency.
Simple as the procedure is, it works effectively to prevent tooth cavities for children. In particular it’s really necessary to conduct the sealing for the first permanent molars which usually come out at the age of six. If possible, you can also seek the procedure for all other molars.
Fit and fissure sealing refers to coating a layer of a sealant to fill the fissures on the occlusal surface, stopping bacteria from attaching to and eroding the teeth. It serves as a shield to protect teeth from being decayed. It has to be noted that the procedure is only a preventive measure but not a guarantee. Put another way, it’s doesn’t mean that you won’t get dental caries forever if you have the procedure done, but certainly you will be exposed to less risks. Additionally, the sealing material may wear and fall out after using for one or two years. If you don’t fixed it in time, chances are that you will still suffer from caries. Therefore, regular examinations after the procedure are required.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)