Children's dental caries (also called decay teeth, commonly known as cavities or scolecodont), pulpitis and periapical periodontitis are commonly seen on children's teeth and dental caries is the most common one. It is worth noting that pulpitis and periapical periodontitis are generally developed from dental caries. AKJ dental experts pointed out that currently parents do not paid enough attention to children's dental condition, and children's teeth diseases are not timely treated which leads to their bad teeth in early age. Parents should pay more attention to children's teeth, found the problem and take early treatment. In this way, the children suffer less and parents spend less."
Pit and fissure sealant, best way to prevents dental caries
Pit and fissure sealant is to place some harmless material in the dental fossae and sulcus to avoid bacteria growth caused by teeth incomplete brush, which influence oral health. Just like being put on a protective a layer, the teeth are prevented from food erosion. Generally speaking, the best time for children's pit and fissure sealant is from age 6 to 8 years old. If children's dental caries are seriously bad, its permanent teeth have higher caries rates, so it should be as early as possible to place pit and fissure sealant.
Topical fluoride application to prevent dental caries
Topical fluoride application means to paint fluorides on teeth. Fluoride can increase the hardness of tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria. The use of fluorides has provided exceptionally meaningful reduction in the incidence of dental caries and it has become a regular method for pediatric dental care.
Best time for children's orthodontic
Some children are suffered from tooth, jaw and craniofacial malformations due to congenital factors and acquired factors. Children's orthodontic is applying mechanical forces on teeth through stainless steel bracket, ceramic brackets and other dental braces to align children's teeth and restore normal occlusion. Youth rapid growth period (generally girls from the age of 11to13 and boys from 12 to 14), jaw still has developmental potential after tooth replacement. This is the best time for the fixed orthodontic treatment, and most malocclusion can be fixed at this time.
first phase When the baby starts to grow the first tooth, which is about six months, brushing is started for "Baby Teeth". Of course, brushing mentioned here does not use toothbrush, but parents with a clean gauze wrapped on their index finger and stained with water to clean the baby's mouth. This oral care generally lasts to the age of two and a half until all the deciduous teeth erupted.
second round From the age of two and a half, parents should choose a suitable toothbrush for children to brush their teeth, twice a day in the morning and evening. Standing behind the children, parents should teach their children hand by hand to master the correct method of brushing. Since children in this period have a certain understanding and are able to express themselves, it is not difficult for children to master the correct method of brushing as long as parents teach in patience.