Published on:2018-9-20
In fact, the population suffering from various dental issues have seen an increasing trend. For instance, someone may face the condition of earlier eruption of permanent teeth than the falling out of corresponding deciduous teeth, which is also known as retained deciduous teeth. What can you do to deal with such circumstance?
Without exception, everyone will enjoy two, not less and not more, sets of teeth during his life journey — deciduous and permanent dentition. Generally speaking, at the age of around five, deciduous teeth will start to fall out and permanent ones to erupt. The replacement of deciduous dentition with permanent one will be basically completed at about twelve. The normal order is that deciduous teeth fall out first and permanent ones comes out later.
When it comes to the retention of deciduous teeth, you can seek proper methods to prompt their falling out. For instance, to an extent you can bite hard food like sugarcane, corn and apple to promote the loosening of retained primary teeth. If there’s any sign of loosening, you can also try to wobble the primary teeth, with a view to promote their natural shedding.
If the primary teeth still remain firm in gums despite various appropriate methods have been tried, then you may as well seek help from a dental professional and find out whether an extraction is needed or not. After the removal, bear in mind to follow your dentist’s instructions and take anti-inflammation medicines.
When similar situations occur, you’d better take a thorough check-up and seek proper treatment in a timely manner, in case of missing the best timing for correcting and treating. Wish you a set a straight and beautiful teeth.
Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)