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The cost of treating bad breath

Published on:2018-11-7

    Bad breath, termed as halitosis, refers to smelly odor in mouth, which can be permanent or temporary. Permanent bad breath is set to throw you into embarrassing situations in both life and work, which is rather troubling. It’s suggested to seek timely treatment for halitosis. 

    What causes bad breath? What kind of examination will be required? How much will it cost to treat bad breath?

    In general, bad breath can result from oral disease, gastrointestinal disease or indigestion. For those who never undergo a professional dental cleaning, it’s mostly caused by the accumulation of dental plaque and calculus, the result of poor oral hygiene. A ultrasonic cleaning can be sought first to improve the oral condition. If there is no mitigation of the symptom after the procedure, you may need to run some tests on your intestines and stomach. With the underlying cause confirmed, it’s necessary to seek proper treatment accordingly.

    Dental cleaning serves well to get rid of dental plaque and calculus which are quite resistant to daily brushing. Following the procedure, the dentist will check further to see whether there is dental caries or periodontitis. If so, you may as well fix the problems in time, with a view to prevent them from deteriorating. In addition, should there are bad prostheses or dental deformity resulting in food entrapment, bad breath may also happen. It’s important that you brush teeth well on a daily basis, at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. 

    As for the cost, it varies from one case to another. Generally speaking, it won’t cost a lot. A cleaning procedure usually costs several hundred yuan. For those with gingivitis, relevant anti-inflammatory medicines may be required after the cleaning. If there are tooth cavities, the cost is decided by its severity. In mild cases, dental filling will be enough to fix the problem, which costs a few hundred yuan as well. If the cavities have reached the pulp chamber, it’s a root canal therapy that will be needed, which costs several thousand yuan. The earlier you take a check-up, the earlier you can seek treatment, and the more money you can save. Relevant article: How to remove bad breath?

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)



Oral Health