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Subgingival scaling

Published on:2019-1-8

    For some patients, subgingival scaling may be required within a week of dental cleaning. As we know, teeth cleaning serves to remove dental plaque and calculus above the gum line which are visible to us. In some severe cases, however, there are also plaque and calculus beneath the gums, which is set to irritate the gums over time. Hence, dentists will always suggest a subgingival scaling procedure following the cleaning, with a view to guaranteeing the periodontal health.

    According to periodontists from AKJ Dental Hospital, calculus is a hard substance formed by the constant interaction of food debris, bacteria and plaque. It not only stays on the teeth surface, but also finds its way to go beneath gums and nest there. No doubt it is a constant source of irritation to gums, leading to gingivitis and periodontitis ultimately without timely intervention. Moreover, daily brushing practices as well as ultrasonic cleaning are too week to remove subgingival calculus. That’s why a professional scaling procedure is required. 

    From clinical experience, subgingival scaling, also known as deep cleaning, will be needed when there is a large amount of tartar. Its operation, however, varies from person to person. First of all, a thorough check-up will be run to see the depth of periodontal pockets and the state of gums. After taking various factors into consideration, dentists are supposed to figure out a customized treatment plan after cleaning. In addition, the procedure may probably be conducted before orthodontic and prosthodontic services.

    A thorough dental examination helps dentists to diagnose the periodontal condition and pinpoint the positions where scaling is needed. Later dentists will divide them into different parts and conduct scaling separately. Since it’s hard to get a good sight of subgingival calculus, chances are that there may be missing spots during the treatment. Given that scaling fails to yield a sound result, a root-planning procedure may be required to remove periodontal pockets.

    Whether subgingival scaling is needed or not is not sure. You’d better seek a check-up and cleaning to remove calculus above gum line first. Then your dentist will decide if scaling is required in your case. If so, you don’t need to worry a lot as well. The scaling technique is quite mature nowadays. It would be advisable to get the dental work done by experienced and skillful dentists. 

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)