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RCT for molars

Published on:2019-2-13

    Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic treatment, is needed when molars suffer from pulpitis or periapical periodontitis. It involves removing infected tooth tissues and devitalizing dental nerves, so as to save the ill teeth instead of extracting them. How much will RCT for molars cost?

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, the cost of RCT varies, depending on the difficulty of operation. In general, endodontic treatment for deciduous molars will be cheaper than that for permanent ones. The former may cost about two thousand yuan, while the latter may need around three thousand.

    In addition, RCT for permanent molars will be more expensive than that for permanent anterior teeth. Since there are more roots in molars, it will be harder and take longer time to perform the treatment for them. It usually costs about one thousand more to endodontically treat molars than front teeth.

    The cost of RCT may include domestic-brand anesthetic and X-ray films. As for the following programs, they may cost extra. 

    1. The application of foreign-brand anesthetic.

    2. The use of rubber dam.

    3. The secondary restoration of a failed RCT.

    4. The use of gutta-percha point.

    5. The number of ill teeth. The price we mentioned above is for one tooth. The more teeth you need endodontic treatment, the more you need to pay.

    6. After the treatment, it’s necessary to seek a crown for the sake of protection and mastication. The fee of the crown is charged separately.

    Therefore, the price of RCT varies widely from patient to patient. Besides, the price list for RCT in different clinics may also differ from each other. You’d better seek a thorough check-up first and consult with your dentist to get an exact price for the dental work you need. It would be advisable to have it done by an experienced and skillful dentist, ensuring a sound result.

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)