Published on:2019-5-8
Not a few people experience sensitive and sore gums following a dental cleaning procedure, especially in the first one or two days. Is there anything wrong and how to deal with it? According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, such symptoms after cleaning are actually quite common. Patients don’t need to worry about it a lot.
In general, the major blame for tooth sensitivity after cleaning is the extensive accumulation of tartar which serves as a constant source of irritation to gum tissue. Without timely removal, there will be development of gum recession and the calculus may well go deeper to wrap around tooth roots. Getting rid of calculus means exposing tooth roots which are usually buried deep inside gums and have no direct contact with incoming food. Of course, they are set to be very sensitive to hot and cold irritation.
How to cope with sensitive gums after cleaning?
Gums require a period of time for its adaptation after cleaning. It’s suggested that patients do not eat hot, cold, hard and spicy food within one or two weeks of the procedure. Brush teeth gently with lukewarm water and desensitizing toothpaste to mitigate the condition.
Generally speaking, the condition will gradually turn better with proper home care as instructed by dentists. Without any improvement, patients should return to their dentist and seek a desensitization treatment.
Some may even regret scheduling a dental cleaning due to all the post-treatment discomfort. Well, that’s not true. It’s still a right call to seek a cleaning procedure. If calculus is not removed in time, it will continue to go deeper and wrap around the tooth roots, slowly but surely separating roots from alveolar bone. In the long run, it may lead to tooth loosening and even shedding. So it’s really necessary to seek a cleaning procedure in time.
If there is gum bleeding when brushing or eating hard food like an apple, patients need to take a check-up and find out whether or not it’s caused by gingivitis or periodontitis. It’s suggested to schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings, once or twice a year, in a bid to early detect potential problems and have them fixed in time.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)