Published on:2019-12-2
Wedge-shaped defect is usually treated with dental fillings. But in some cases, the fillings fall out easily. Why? Let’s find out the answer below.
Wedge-shaped defect is a non-carious lesion of enamel, which is localized at the necks of the teeth. There are two common reasons for this lesion: one is improper brushing technique, such as the horizontal brushing method which may cause groove-shaped usures at the transition from the enamel to the dentin, and the other is tooth grinding or abrasion.
Not all wedge-shaped defects are necessarily treated with dental fillings. Treatment must be varied to suit each individual case.
Blindly treating it with dental fillings may not make sense, as the filling material could fall out easily. Therefore, treatment method must be varied depending on the cause reason.
For example, defects caused by improper brushing method may recur if the method is not corrected after restoration. Defects caused by tooth grinding can be alleviated by wearing a mouth guide, changing the eating habits, and avoiding solid foods.
Why do the fillings fall out easily?
1. Poor preparation of drilling holes and poor retention in large and shallow defect area. The retention won’t last long with just a simple adhesive, thus the filling is easy to fall out.
2. Poorly practiced polishing after filling. The surface of the tooth is not smooth enough, especially there are bumps on the surface. In this case, the filling can be easily squeezed out by the chewing force.
3. Failure to isolate the tooth from contamination by the saliva during the procedure. As a result, the filling material is not firmly attached to the tooth, thus it falls out easily.
Besides, the aftercare and daily habits of the patients also matter. Therefore, it is suggested that patients must avoid solid or high-acid foods, learn the proper tooth brushing technique, and visit the dentist for regular checkup after restoration. Don’t hesitate to receive root canal treatment and crown restoration if the situation gets worse, like the defects spread to the pulp or the tooth is fractured.