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Treatment & Costs for Repairing Damaged Teeth

Published on:2019-7-18

Broken teeth not only affect the chewing abilities of your teeth but also aesthetics. In more serious cases the sharp edges of the damaged teeth can harm the mucous membrane lining, therefore it’s best to repair damaged teeth as soon as possible. But the first that comes to mind is how much will treatment and repair cost? The costs of treatment and repair will depend on how badly damaged the teeth are and which methods of repair and treatment will provide the best results.


Methods & Costs


1. If the damaged area is small and has not harmed the nerves then the use of composite resin filling to repair the tooth can be considered. For example repairing cavities.  


The costs of composite resin filling will depend on the materials of the composite resin filling. For example cost effective composite resin fillings may come at a cheaper price of, however if cosmetic resin bonding is carried out the price will be much more expensive.  

2. Porcelain veneers and composite veneers can be used to restore teeth when the damaged area is relatively small and has not damaged nerves. Composite veneers are usually cheaper. The cost of porcelain veneers will depend on the brand.    


3. For teeth that are badly damaged usually a crown is the best option. If the nerve has been damaged then root canal treatment is required . This is one of the most common treatments. As for the cost of crowns this will also depend on the materials used such as ceramics, porcelain fused to metal, gold alloys and base metal alloys.  


Therefore, the costs of treatment for damaged teeth will depend on the severity and having a evaluation carried out by a professional dentist is required so they can devise the best solution and costs for treatment.

Cosmetic dentistry