Published on:2019-8-20
How does periodontal diseases affect orthodontic treatment? Does chronic periodontitis make the teeth loose during orthodontic treatment? A dentist will have to evaluate the severity and discuss with the patient whether they can go ahead with orthodontic treatment.
Second Stage Periodontitis Will Orthodontics Make Teeth Loose?
In general, it is normal to have such concerns, and it is possible. After all, in the second stage of periodontitis there is already the possibility of bone loss. If at this stage no treatment is done and orthodontics is carried out this will lead to further bone loss and in some cases the loss of the tooth.
If it’s already second stage periodontitis then treatment will need to be carried out. A dentist will carry out scaling and also clean below the gum line, root planing may also be done and in some cases periodontal surgery. Periodontal splinting treatment can also be used to stabilize the loose teeth. Once the periodontitis is under control and stable then orthodontic treatment can be considered.
If periodontitis is not treated this can lead to the loose teeth to reach grade 3 tooth mobility and if orthodontic treatment were to apply pressure to these teeth this would lead to the loss of the tooth. In grade 3 tooth mobility the tooth would have to be removed before braces are fitted.
Patients with periodontitis would have to take extra care with oral hygiene once braces are fitted, this is to reduce calculus and plaque build-up and more importantly to prevent periodontitis from affecting the orthodontic treatment.