Angelalign is similar to Invisalign and is a great option for patients who want to choose clear aligners but also want to spend less. On average Invisalign is more expensive than Angelalign by 10,000 RMB to 20,000 RMB. How much is Angelalign?The costs of Angelalign is estimated at over 30,000 RMB which sounds very expensive. However,...
When will the gaps between my teeth close up? Why do I feel that the gaps are closing too slowly? Patients are often worried that gaps between the teeth won't close up after tooth extractions. So what's the solution to this problem? Gaps Between Teeth Will Close Up In most cases a orthodontist will design a treatment plan de...
Angelalign is a Shanghai based service and manufacturer of clear aligners for orthodontic treatment. With Angelalign there is a now two options there is Angelalign and Angelalign Pro. So what’s the difference?AngelalignAngelalign is a series of custom made clear aligners which uses three dimensional computer aided diagnosis and advan...
Clear aligners in comparison to traditional braces are much more discreet and when it comes to attending parties and events you feel less self conscious as the aligners are nearly invisible. For most ladies the concern is whether wearing lipstick with aligners is allowed, so let's take a look. Orthodontists express that wearing l...
Interproximal reduction is usually associated with slightly overcrowded teeth and is used for patients who are not willing to have teeth extracted. Though by not removing teeth there is no room for tooth movement so what options are there? This is where interproximal reduction is used to create gaps between the teeth to allow for teeth mo...
An underbite, clinically known as prognathism, happens when lower teeth overlap the upper teeth. If an underbite is left untreated it can lead to significant problems. Underbite conditions are more prevalent in children and the earlier it's treated the better. Underbite must be corrected? It’s advised that a underbite shou...
Wisdom teeth can often be a problem for orthodontists and often patients ask whether orthodontic treatment can prevent the wisdom tooth from being extracted. If a wisdom tooth comes in at the right position and does not cause any problems with dental hygiene, cavities or alignment of teeth then there is no need to extract. Most pati...
When it comes to making a decision about getting braces, the first thing that comes to mind is which type of braces to choose. Especially with adults who don't want the metal mouth look and are looking for more discreet options. For most adults the decision becomes difficult when choosing between Invisalign or lingual braces. In...
For patients who are looking into orthodontic treatment there is a wide range of braces to choose from. With the different demands and requirements of patients, the orthodontist will choose braces that best fit the criteria. So here is the different orthodontic braces which are available. So exactly which braces are best for money? This w...
Self-ligating braces are braces that utilize little metal doors to hold the wires in place instead of elastic ties. Self-ligating braces are more comfortable than traditional braces. Fixed braces usually use brackets and wires which are attached to the teeth and through applying pressure the teeth should move into position. However,...