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Teeth Whitening Before & After Results

Published on:2019-9-6

Is professional cold-light whitening results obvious? How obvious are the results will depend on the condition of the teeth and teeth with discoloration are more difficult to whiten so the results may not be as expected.


There’s a lot of different opinions with regards to cold-light whitening results, some patients are very happy with the results, whereas some patients have expressed the results did not live up to their expectations. So after hearing the opinions of those who have had the whitening treatment done it leaves some people undecided if they want to go through the treatment.   


With the use of whitening agent and light, cold-light whitening can convert pigment macromolecules (colored) into small molecules (transparent) of pigments. This can improve the shade of teeth and in most cases a 5-10 shade improvement is achievable. Teeth that are yellow provide better whitening results than teeth that are grey or black. Therefore, external discoloration, stains or slight internal discoloration can get cold-light whitening treatment done. But, cold-light whitening results differ for everyone.


Before proceeding with cold-light whitening, patients can choose the shade they prefer. Though the overall results will depend on the color of the teeth before treatment. Those who have slight staining in comparison with serious discoloration will have much better results.


Most of the time different patients require different whitening results, some prefer the Hollywood white smile and are willing to go through several treatments, other patients might just be looking for a natural white shade. For patients who have serious internal discoloration then cold-light whitening treatment isn’t even an option as it will not provide any results.


Therefore, before going ahead with any professional teeth whitening treatments it’s best to consult a professional dentist who will be able to determine whether the treatment is suitable for you and provide you with the desired results.