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How Much Does it Cost to Remove Tea Stains From Teeth?

Published on:2019-12-6

Drinking tea is always a good way to wind down and relax throughout the day and with the many health benefits associated with drinking tea it has become increasingly popular to drink a few cups a day. However, there is the saying that too much of a good thing can be bad, drinking too much tea can stain the teeth due to tannins. So how much would it cost to brighten your smile again and remove tea stains from teeth?   


The two best options for removing the stains from the teeth would be to visit a professional dental clinic to get a dental clean (scale &polish) or get whitening treatment such as cold-light whitening.


1. Scale & Polish

A professional dental clean with the use of a ultrasonic scaler and dental sandblasting the tea stains on the surface of the teeth can be effectively removed. After the ultrasonic scaling by polishing the surface of the teeth it can prevent stains from settling on the surface of the teeth.


Tip: A scale and polish only removes tea stains on the surface of the teeth and restores teeth to its original shade and state but it will not improve the overall shade of teeth.  

2. Cold-light Whitening Treatment

Another option for removing tea stains is using cold-light whitening treatment. Cold-light whitening treatment is carried out by applying whitening agent on the teeth and a LED light is used to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.


Prices of a scale and polish start at approximately few hundred RMB and can sometimes exceed a thousand RMB.As for cold-light whitening treatment costs are estimated at over a thousand RMB. Therefore, which option is better for you will depend on the current state of your teeth, so it’s best to visit a professional dental clinic and have a examination and consultation.