• 86-4000489168
  • How Much Does Treatment For Periodontitis Cost?

    Periodontal disease is one of the most difficult to treat not because treatment is complicated but it's very hard to maintain the treatment results. Let's take a look at the possible methods of treating periodontal diseases and the costs. Treatment of periodontitis is usually made up of 4 stages: First Stage: Basic treat...

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  • Can Teeth be Saved with Periodontal Treatment?

    Symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen and painful gums, bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth and other symptoms. When periodontal disease is caught early on and treated your teeth will have a better chance of being saved.  It’s well known that periodontal disease should be treated and maintained for the treatment to be su...

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  • The Causes of Loose & Shifting Teeth

    Loose posterior teeth is linked with age? This is not necessarily the case as loose posterior teeth can be linked with dental or oral disease. When treated early on results are very positive.  Gingival recession also known as receding gums is the exposure in the roots of the teeth caused by a loss of gum tissue. Most p...

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