• 86-4000489168
  • Costs for Child Tooth Extraction in Shenzhen

    A lot of parents have expressed their view that pediatric dentistry costs are expensive in Shenzhen and are worried they are paying more than the need for their children’s dental care. So exactly just how much should you be paying?  Parents are probably the most anxious when they hear that their child needs a tooth extracted. Is...

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  • Can a 3 year old’s decayed incisors be fixed? How much?

    Quite a number of moms have this concern: my baby is too young to have his/her decayed incisors fixed. But is it true? Babies are prone to get cavities in incisors at the age of 2 or 3, mainly caused by baby bottle tooth decay. Brown or black dents and defects on the proximal surface or the surface of baby’s teeth are the signs of ea...

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