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Costs for Child Tooth Extraction in Shenzhen

Published on:2019-8-17

A lot of parents have expressed their view that pediatric dentistry costs are expensive in Shenzhen and are worried they are paying more than the need for their children’s dental care. So exactly just how much should you be paying?


Parents are probably the most anxious when they hear that their child needs a tooth extracted. Is tooth extraction really scary? It really depends on which tooth is being removed and how complicated the extraction is and this directly affects the costs.


Tooth Extraction in Children?

Professional dental clinics will have pediatric dentists and nurses and they will use a variety of fun and other methods to get the child to cooperate with the tooth extraction. Parents usually don't need to worry too much. Moreover, during the process of tooth extraction, the doctor's movements will be more gentle and the procedure has local anesthesia so there is basically no pain.


Costs of Child Tooth Extraction in Shenzhen?

Currently, child tooth extraction is quite common for example when permanent teeth start growing in before the milk teeth are lost, serious cavities, tooth damage which results in a loose tooth all require tooth extractions. Costs for extractions can start at a few hundred Yuan.  


An example of complicated extractions would be embedded supernumerary teeth this type of extraction is complex and of course the prices is more expensive. This type of extraction can range from a few hundred Yuan to over a thousand Yuan. Also extracting supernumerary teeth requires a pediatric dentist with great skills and techniques.


Therefore, child tooth extractions requires a professional clinic and pediatric dentist to carry out the procedure. As for costs you should make sure you know what you’re paying for during the first appointment.