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Tooth Extraction

Published on:2019-11-25

Tooth extraction refers to pulling your teeth out of the alveolar bone. Mostly it’s applied on tooth that is no longer worth saving, because of severe tooth decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache. Besides, impacted wisdom teeth that cause recurrent gum infections should seek extraction as well. Or it may be conducted in some orthodontic treatments, with a purpose to create space for the realignment of teeth. 


Generally the procedure of extraction is quite simple and can be completed quickly following a local anesthesia. Thus the whole process is almost painless, though you may still feel the mechanical forces vaguely. The difficulty of extraction is usually linked with the tooth’s position, root shape and the integrity of tooth. In case of a tooth buried deep underneath gums, chances are that a surgical approach will be required, in which the gum is cut open to remove the bone that holds the tooth. After removal of the tooth, stitches of gums are needed.  


Gauze will be placed over the socket for stopping bleeding immediately after the extraction. Besides, your dentist will also point out some instructions including no touching of the wound with finger or tongue, avoiding rinsing vigorously and sucking through a straw, in order not to impact the forming of blood clot. With blood clot dislodged, there might be another bleeding and development of “dry socket”, prolonging the healing process of the socket.