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Is Cold Light Whitening Harmful to Teeth?

Published on:2017-1-3

Cold light whitening technique is using the narrow beam of high-intensity blue light ,combined with the whitening gel, after a special optical process removes harmful infrared and ultraviolet light, this rapidly whitens the entire surface of all 16 front teeth that restoring them to beautiful, naturally white looking teeth.

Cold light whitening has no harm to teeth for the following reasons:

1.The laser use in this treatment is very weak with low power at a low temperature. Since it has no heat effect, we call it cold laser. This kind of laser has no harm to teeth.

2.Before the laser is applying, the dentist will paint a layer of light solidification materials on the surface of gingiva to protect it from whitening agent.

3.The whitening gel used in cold light whitening treatment has been proved no harm to teeth and periodontium.

Some people might feel teeth pain after the treatment for their teeth have some invisible gap and the whitening agent permeates inside the teeth, simulating the dentin. This pain will pass away in 2 to 3 days in general condition.