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Daily Care after Cold Light Whitening Treatment

Published on:2017-1-5

Cold light whitening is a very effective and popular way to deal with discolored teeth and bring back your shining smile. However, some patients found that their teeth discolor in a few days after the treatment so they think this whitening effect lasts a short time. Actually, cold light whitening affect normally lasts 2 years, but there are two reasons lead to the failure of this treatment: one is the dentist is unprofessional and the more important reason is that the patient does not take care of their teeth as the dentist requested. Then what should we do to keep the whitening effect?

1.Do not take food and drink with dark color. 

Pigment in the food and drink easily dyes your teeth, especially in the first week after the cold light whitening. Although you rinse your mouth immediately after meal, some pigment will attach on the surface of your whitening teeth.

2.Do not use coloring toothpaste and mouthwash.

Coloring toothpaste and mouthwash also dye your teeth. So try to use white or colorless toothpaste and mouthwash.

3.Brush your teeth every day.

Oral hygiene is very important to keep the whitening effect. Please brush your teeth at least twice a day in the morning and in the evening. If you can brush your teeth after every meal, it will be perfect.

4.Do not smoke.

Compositions like nicotine and tar in the tobacco cannot be dissolved in the water and they will accumulate on teeth. Tobacco discolors your teeth easily especially in the first few days after cold light whitening. 

5.Do some oral exercise every day.

Bite with your top teeth and lower teeth and massage the gingiva with your index finger pulp three to five times a day. This exercise helps to keep whitening effect.