Published on:2017-5-15
Root canal treatment is the final treatment to save the tooth after tooth decayed and nerve injured. Many patients usually complaint that they spent times and money in seeing a dentist to receive the root canal treatment. However, the bad tooth is still the bad tooth, and the tooth is usually inflamed after the treatment. What happened? Today we’d like to reply this question.
Why Teeth Often be Inflamed After Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment, a fundament method of treating pulpal and periapical diseases nowadays, also called endodontic treatment. In general, the first step before filling is cleaning the infection and necrotic tissues inside. Thus, inflammation and pain would not happened after the root canal treatment.
Nevertheless, there still exist the inflammation cases after root canal treatment because of the unthorough treatment. At this moment, dentist will take X-ray film for the patient to examine if the filling reach to the required location. But under the circumstance of unthorough treatment, bacterias still have space to breed, and periapical inflammation will also come into being. At present, the success rate of the root canal treatment is in the region of 70% to 90%, and no one can guarantee that every patient can receive the successful treatment.
X-ray film shows OK doesn’t mean everything is all right. Missed root canal is a most common clinical case. So a period of time for observation is suggested. If the effect still be depressed, re-treatment in time is needed.
Tooth may be impaired after the root canal treatment, so crown protection is necessary, or tooth will be easily impaired when eating food.
Pain after the root canal treatment is related to the incorrect operation of the dentist. Therefore, patient have to choose an experienced dentist in an authoritative hospital.
Dentist in charge at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatology Hospital says patient should have to choose a authoritative hospital to receive the root canal treatment. In general, the steps of root canal treatment includes cleaning, disinfecting and filling. Each appointment focuses on only one step. So carrying out the root canal treatment need three to four appointments. Complex cases will need more appointments. Because filling need to be proceed in the tiny and complex root canals. Dentist can only judge by the X-ray film. So it’s hard for the patients to see the effect from the appearance. The thorough root canal treatment is the foundation of further filling and denture. Only the excellent root canal treatment foundation can guarantee the further steps.