Published on:2017-7-26
What is the best orthodontic time for kids? Professional Dentists at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital will give you an answer.
Some parents said with regret that they found their kids have crooked teeth when their children are very young, but they thought it will be fine when their kids grow up. Unfortunately, things go contrary to their wishes, the situation got worse and worse when the children grew up. Then what’s the best orthodontic time for kids?
It is generally considered that some particular tooth developments require early intervention, such as underbite in baby teeth time, opening mouth breathing and biting the lips, etc because these bad habits will severely interfere with tooth jaw development. In the process of replacement of primary and permanent teeth, a serious imbalance between the milk teeth and permanent teeth sizes, abnormality of tooth eruption and occlusal interference will lead to malocclusion. These problems should adopt MRC to make intervening correction as early as possible.
In the teeth replacement period, the parents are required to take the children to have an oral check-up in a professional dental hospital if the following bad habits or situations are found in the children such as protruding tones, biting lips, abnormal face shape and teeth disorders. By oral check-up, the dentist can confirm the causes to make further treatment.
If the children are in need of orthodontic treatment, then orthodontic treatment can be done after all milk teeth replacement have been finished. In general, the kids can finish milk teeth replacement between the ages of 10 to 13 (usually, ages 10 to 12 for girls and ages 11 to 13 for boys). During the age, the dental arch has developed well so that the orthodontic dentist can make a definitive diagnosis about types of crooked teeth and then adopt appropriate Orthodontic treatment methods.
Now that having known the best time to make orthodontic treatment, we will choose an orthodontic treatment hospital for kids. How to choose a reputable and reliable hospital? Of course, parents want to choose the top 1 hospital to make an orthodontic treatment for kids. But parents are required to know the hospital’s public reviews, dentist level and treatment solution costs first and then make a comparison between hospitals based on the information gained. With 22 years dental experience, Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital has been specializing in oral health and has gained the first stomatological qualification among Shenzhen hospitals. There are oral department and dentists specialized for children. Dentists at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital will customize the orthodontic correction according to personal teeth arch, face shape and smile line.
The above are all the explanations from dentist at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital. The dentists point out that it is necessary for the parents to take their children to visit the doctors and have a check-up in early days after finding any abnormal teeth development in case of missing the best time of treatment.