Published on:2017-7-28
Pit and fissure sealant, as the most effective means to prevent the kids from tooth decay, has been widely applied in the Children’s Dentistry. But there are still some parents worrying that if there is any harm of pit and fissure sealant to kids’ health. The dentists at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital will explain for you.
As we all know that we experience the replacement of milk teeth and permanent teeth in the childhood. Therefore, no matter what kind of dental diseases the children have during this period will have large impact on their health. Moreover, children belong to sensitive and high-risk oral disease groups, retention of the food residue will lead to occurrence of various oral diseases.
By Pit and Fissure Sealant treatment, the sealants can be applied to the surfaces of the teeth crown occlusal and pits and fissures of the buccolingual plane and form a layer of protective physical barrier on the tooth surface to prevent the invasion of the bacteria in case of tooth decay. Fissure sealant is a preventive treatment which prevents the early intervention of dental caries before it reaches to end-stage called as ‘hole’ or cavitations.
Are Pit and Fissure Sealant Safe for Kids?
In general, it won't cause any damage to teeth as pit and fissure sealant has been used for a long time clinically. The material used for pit and fissure sealant is one kind of macromolecule resin, which has no toxicity or any side-effect and will not bring any discomfort. It completely accords with people’s requirements. It is safe to say that pit and fissure sealant is a preventive method without any disadvantages.
Dentists at Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital emphasize that the necessary instruments and equipment and the professional operating dentists are required for pit and fissure sealant treatment. The completeness of the pit and fissure sealant is a mark of success. So it is of vital importance to visit the dentist regularly to have check-ups. If the sealant material has fall off, then the sealing should be done anew. Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital has 22 years experience in dentistry, for more information and consulting, please refer to official website of Shenzhen A.K.J Stomatological Hospital: