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Dental Cleaning During Pregnancy?

Published on:2018-2-7

      Quite a few dental problems have gained an common occurrence during pregnancy, such as toothache, bleeding gums, yellow tooth and dental calculus, sparking doubt whether dental cleaning can be conducted during pregnancy or not. 

      As for those pregnant women who have a great overall health, a dental cleaning can be conducted following the instructions from professional dentist. However, it’s usually not recommended in that there are risks. 

      Why is it more common to face dental problems during pregnancy? The main reason for that is the hormone change during pregnancy, may causing gum congestion, vascular proliferation, thinner gums and weaker immunity against bacteria. It is such conditions that should be blamed for red and swollen gums, even gingivitis in some severe cases. Besides, changes on dietary structure of the expectant mothers are partly accountable for the dental problems. The growth of fetus requires a great deal of calcium, causing for the mothers a comparative lack of calcium which is linked with dental health.

      To draw a conclusion, a thorough oral examination before pregnancy is of great significance. 

     Though most people will seek a pre-pregnancy physical examination, they are apt to leave out an oral checkup which is actually very necessary as well. Because of hormone changes, it is easier for you to get into dental troubles during pregnancy. During such special period, however, the fetus is very sensitive to all kinds of medicines. As we know, anesthesia would be applied for treating some dental diseases, which will take a toll on the fetus. Therefore, it’d better to take a thorough oral checkup and seek proper treatments before pregnancy. Apart from seeking treatments for periodontal diseases, you should also take your wisdom teeth into consideration. Although there is no sign of dental problems for your wisdom teeth, you cannot guarantee that they will stay healthy during the 10-month-long pregnancy. For the sake of prevention, it’s suggested to extract them in advance. 

      Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)