Published on:2018-2-25
Compared to other kinds of calculus, dental calculus won’t pose threat to your life as well as cause severe pain, enabling it to be easily neglected. However, is that true dental calculus really does no harm to human body?
No doubt, the answer is no. There is no denying that dental calculus indeed does harm to us, which is supposed to draw more attention. Dental calculus is home to a large amount of bacteria, firmly clinging to the palatal side of your teeth where your toothbrush is hard to reach. What’s worse, dental calculus is too stubborn to be removed, resulting in persistent irritation to gums. As a result, there will be development of gingivitis, with signs of gum redness and bleeding.
Affected by inflammation, it’s hard for gums to integrate with tooth root, accompanied by a gradual recession. The newly exposed tooth root is susceptible to accumulation of dental calculus, called subgingival calculus, the main culprit for periodontal diseases. As it progresses, the subsequent receding gums, tooth looseness and even tooth loss are within our prediction.
Since dental calculus will bring us such many harms if neglected, how can we deal with it? The best way to remove it is to schedule regular dental cleanings.
Feel free to contact me if there's any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)