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Home Remedies to Beat Bad Breath

Published on:2018-4-4


    As is reported, such fibrous vegetables as celery, cucumber and parsley are able to promote saliva secretion, helpful to wash away bacteria causing bad breath. Besides, it serves to mitigate bad breath if you contain a piece of cucumber in mouth for 90 seconds. 

2.Tea tree oil (hereinafter referred as TTO) 

    TTO can be used to fight against bacteria. Applying a few drops of TTO on brush when brushing your tongue and gum, expects to remove bacteria causing bad breath. However, you’d better not use TTO during pregnancy. 


    Halitosis comes as bacteria digest food debris and release sulfide. Oxygen inside saliva is a natural way to fight against bacteria. Drinking more water serves to increase salivary flow which can neutralize bad breath. To be noted, medicines against depression or pressure, and antihistamines tend to cause dry mouth as well. So it’s necessary to drink more water after taking such medicines. 

4.Green tea 

    According to a study of Columbia University in 2007, polyphenol-contained green tea are expected to temporarily cut down the amount of sulfide. Don’t add sugar or milk when drinking green tea to battle bad breath, otherwise you will get a backfired result. As studies show, green tea remains helpful in preventing dental diseases.  

5.Sugarless gum 

    Chewing gum works to stimulate your salivary gland to multiply secretion. But you’d better choose sugarless gum like newtol one, because sugary gum will meanwhile boost bacterial growth. 

    If these home remedies do not work, come to your dentist for a checkup to nail down the underlying cause and seek proper treatment in a timely manner. 

    Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)

Oral Health