Published on:2018-4-18
Because of genetic factors or unhealthy oral habits like sucking fingers and biting lips, children in mixed dentition are susceptible to malocclusion including underbite and buck teeth, which requires orthodontic services. Many a people, however, suggests that orthodontics should be sought after the completion of permanent dentition. Otherwise, the efforts to correct occlusion will go in vain following the shedding of deciduous teeth. Does the concern make sense? Can orthodontic treatment be conducted in mixed dentition?
According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, orthodontics is allowed for children whose deciduous teeth remain. Such malocclusion as underbite and buck teeth will considerably impact the growth of jawbone. Seeking early correction in deciduous or mixed dentition is set to yield an ideal result.
In fact, the orthodontics can be applied roughly at the age of as early as three, taking about a year to produce an obvious improvement. Mostly it is removable appliances that will be used, while sometimes fixed appliances will be provided as auxiliary. Children are able to get used to the appliances, in that the process is quite simple and bring almost no discomfort. Besides, the process will do no harm to permanent teeth as they haven’t erupted yet.
Failing to seize the best timing, children can undergo the treatment after eruption of permanent teeth. Though it’s also quite good, the result is not as satisfactory as that of earlier treatments. In addition, it will take a longer time and greater efforts to complete the process.
Following an early orthodontics, especially for underbite, the maxillary are able to achieve a sound growth. In cases of seeking the treatment in permanent dentition, though the mandible can go back a bit, the result of stretching out the maxillary is not that good. That why it’s necessary to seek early treatment for children if there is malocclusion.
Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)