Published on:2018-6-11
Generally speaking, there are two types of tooth discoloration. One is extrinsic discoloration, caused by colored foods and beverages like tobacco, coffee, tea and wine. You can seek an in-office cleaning to remove such stains if daily brushing fails to do the trick. The result after the cleaning will indicate whether a laser bleaching is necessary or not. The other one is intrinsic discoloration, majorly referring to dental fluorosis and tetracycline pigmentation teeth caused by consumption of excessive fluoride and tetracycline during the formation of teeth. Laser bleaching may work to some extent on mild cases, while dental veneers and even crown should be sought for severe cases.
Though laser bleaching may be effective to fix extrinsic and mild intrinsic discoloration, it won’t be able to turn your teeth into extremely white in one procedure. So, you may need to undergo the same procedure for a few times before achieving your satisfactory teeth color. For instance, you can go for a laser bleaching again after half a year, or you can conduct it the second time one month later to reinforce the whitening effect.
Besides, much attention should also be paid to the daily dental care after the procedure. The teeth may suffer from a second discoloration without proper day-to-day care. As for those raising high requirements on dental whitening, it’s suggested to choose a laser bleaching kit including home-used products, so that you are allowed to maintain the result by home practices. Such kind of kit is expected to help your teeth remain white for a longer period of time.
Feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)