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Invisible Orthodontics

Published on:2018-7-27

    For now, there are various types of clear aligners available. Many wonder whether they are literally invisible. According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, they can be broken down into two categories roughly — transparent braces without brackets and lingual orthodontics. What they look like respectively can be demonstrated by the following picture. 

    Clear aligners with no brackets now are applied quite extensively. They are made of Polymer resin, making them appear transparent. Others won’t notice that you’re wearing braces until they get close enough to you. Besides, they can also be worn on and taken off at will, casting almost no impact on your study and life alike. Therefore, it has become popular with those who need to seek orthodontic services and also want to appear well. However, it indeed requires wearers to have strong self-discipline. You have to make sure the time you with it on is long enough to meet the requirement that your orthodontist have told you, in order to achieve a sound upshot. 

    Lingual orthodontics refers to fixing the braces on the inner side of teeth instead of their outer surface. Those who stand right opposite to you won’t be able to know that you have worn braces, while those stand beside you may have a glimpse of it. With an literally invisible effect, lingual orthodontics also boasts its stable and enduring force. At the very beginning, you may well feel sort of discomfort, though. It may take some time for you to get used to the braces and deal with the sensation of foreign body.  

    Visit your orthodontist for a thorough check-up and pick a right braces for yourself. Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)