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How to Deal With Yellow and Black Deciduous Incisors?

Published on:2018-8-14

    Some mothers may find that the deciduous incisors of their baby turn yellow and even black. What’s worse, the stains cannot be removed by day-to-day brushing practices. How would that happen? And what can we do to cope with that? 

    According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, there are generally two causes for the yellow or black incisors — dental caries or pigmentation. First of all, a dental check-up should be sought to nail down the underlying cause. 

    If there is dental caries, it will first be demonstrated as black spots over teeth surface. Left untreated, the caries will continue to progress and eat away the whole tooth step by step, spreading from the enamel to dentin and finally the pulp chamber. Therefore, it’s important that you look for proper treatment to fill tooth cavities in a timely manner. 

    In cases of pigmentation, you can consult with your dentist whether a professional cleaning is needed or not. If yes, just do it in time. If no, then much attention should be paid to the daily brushing practices of children. Besides, it’d better restrict children from consuming dark-color food and beverage frequently, with a purpose to avoid the accumulation of pigments. As for children with a habit of drinking milk during the night, parents ought to help them kick the habit, or at least have them rinse their mouth with water after every night treat. 

    In brief, parents should attach more importance to their children’s oral hygiene on a daily basis. Brush teeth for children before the age of two and afterwards help them foster a good habit of brushing teeth every day and rinsing mouth after every meal, which to an extent works to maintain oral hygiene and prevent tooth cavities. Relevant article: Brushing and No Sweet Mean No Caries?

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)