Published on:2018-10-11
Dental caries, a common oral issue faced by a large share of population, refers to teeth being eroded by bacteria. At the very beginning, the symptoms are usually too tiny to be noticed. When there are any signs of tooth cavities, such as black dots or lines on teeth, you’d better seek a professional evaluation from a dentist and have it fixed in a timely manner. Some people suffering from dental caries may wonder whether or not braces are allowed for them.
According to orthodontists from AKJ Dental Hospital, braces can be sought even if you have tooth cavities. Proper treatment, however, should be conducted to deal with the caries prior to the orthodontic procedure.
The occurrence of tooth cavities, in particular not a few, means that the oral environment is suitable for bacterial growth, which is bad for our health. Hence, the cavity issues should be handled first in order to create a healthier oral environment for orthodontics.
Besides, generally it takes one or two years to finish the whole orthodontic procedure. Not fixed in advance, the caries may continue to progress and get worse when you’re are wearing braces, even bringing about tooth loosening and loss. At that time, the issues will be much more difficult to cope with, and will exert a large impact on the orthodontic treatment.
When it comes to ways for restoring tooth cavities, it varies widely depending on the severity of your case. In mild cases, a simple filling procedure is enough, while severe caries may require a root canal therapy or even extraction. Dental replacement should be sought in time if the ill teeth have been removed. Relevant article: Orthodontics
Appropriate treatment to dental caries helps to create a healthier oral environment which is conducive to yield an ideal orthodontic result.
Actually, you don’t need to worry a lot even though you have tooth cavities. Just consult with your orthodontist who will develop a customized treatment plan in line with your personal case.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)