Published on:2018-10-17
In general, children are more susceptible to dental issues, partly because of the vulnerability of deciduous teeth, and partly because of children’s habits such as their preference on sugary foods. Children may find it hard to always maintain their oral hygiene, raising the risks of developing dental caries. Such behaviors as biting lips, sticking out tongue and breathing through mouth, which happen often in children, are threaten to bring about dental deformity.
In order to reduce the chance of children getting into various kinds of dental trouble, much attention should be drawn to the following aspects.
1.Following the eruption of teeth, parents should do the teeth cleaning job for their children with gauze or finger brush. When they are at about three, it’s parents’ duty to teach them to use toothbrush correctly.
2.Regular dental examinations should be scheduled. It’s suggested to seek dental examination once or twice every year after the age of about two, and establish a record file on their oral health.
3.Different preventive measures have to be conducted at times when appropriate. At the age of three, fluoride toothpaste should be used and fluoride application be sought with a view to prevent dental caries. At the age of roughly six, after the eruption of the first permanent molars, it’d better take children for the procedure of pit and fissure sealing.
4.Normally, deciduous teeth may suffer from more dental issues like cavities, premature shedding and retention. It’s necessary to seek proper treatment in a timely manner when such problems occur. Cavities have to be filled in time, premature shedding requires a space maintenance, and retained deciduous teeth may need an extraction after a check-up.
5.Dental deformity can result from congenital factor or acquired disposition. Severe genetic deformity like underbite needs experiencing an external dental intervention at the age of three or four. Bad habits like wrong feeding gestures, breathing through mouth and biting lips should be kicked. When there is teeth misalignment or occlusal problem, it would be advisable to seek an evaluation from an orthodontist and find out what is the time good for correction.
To be noted, the big diastema between teeth during the mixed dentition mostly is quite normal, which will see improvement after the completion of dentition replacement. So you don’t need to worry a lot about it.
6.Children need dental cleaning as well. Should they often consume dark-colored foods and beverages, they will be more liable to teeth discoloration. Then it’s a professional cleaning that will be required. A cleaning helps to distinguish black spots on teeth caused by caries from discoloration and you are able to seek proper treatment accordingly.
7.A good habit of brushing teeth counts a lot. It’s in particular important that children practise teeth brushing carefully before the bedtime. Parents should teach and help their children form such a habit — brushing teeth at least twice every day.
As is said, your mouth is the gateway to your body. It has a close link with not only the smile and health, but also the cultivation of confidence. Hence, parents are supposed to attach importance to it.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)