Published on:2018-10-18
Tooth loss is a dental issue that besets a large amount of old people. With missing teeth, one will not only perform poorly in both mastication and digestive function, but also appear more senile and less beautiful. Quite a few of them, however, think it unnecessary to seek dental implant for missing teeth since they are old. Is that really not necessary?
According to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, it’s definitely a misconception.
First of all, we need to figure out the harm of tooth loss.
1. After loosing teeth, the adjacent teeth will incline and shift towards the blank site over time if left untreated, thereby leading to misaligned dentition. Should you want to seek implant afterwards, it’s an orthodontic service to realign teeth that is required prior to the implant surgery. Certainly, it will increase both the difficulty and the total cost of treatment.
2. As for those losing half or full set of teeth, their corners of mouth are set to droop without the support of teeth, producing a more senile appearance.
3. Foods cannot get well cut before reaching intestines and stomach after the loss of teeth, which is going to add more burden on the digestive system.
4. Chances are that missing teeth will also take a toll on your pronunciation and have an impact on your communication with others.
5. There is a possibility that the culprit for tooth loss is periodontal disease or dental caries. Without timely treatment to fix such problems, you will end up losing more teeth.
Knowing such potential issues behind tooth loss, are you still consider it unnecessary to seek dental implant in time? Can the conditions mentioned above see improvement after the implant surgery? Will implant surgery do harm to other healthy teeth?
Implant surgery refers to placing a dental implant serving as an artificial tooth root into where a tooth lost. After it has firmly integrated with alveolar bone, an abutment as connector and a crown for protection will will be installed to complete the whole procedure. A finished restoration will bear high resemblance to a natural tooth. It enjoys a really nice appearance as well as a good masticatory performance. Though, you will be asked to avoid biting hard and sticky food with it. Additionally, your spiritual state will seem better as well.
Compared with other types of dental prosthesis, such as removable denture and fixed porcelain bridge, an implant tooth is supported by a freestanding artificial root with no requirement of abrading adjacent teeth. This is a significant advantage. Also because of that, it enjoys a better stability after the surgery. With good postoperative care, it can remain in service for a quite a long time, maybe a dozen years, or maybe a few decades. Relevant article: Dental Prosthesis
Some may choose not to seek dental implant out of its expensive cost. Given its longevity, however, I do think it’s really a cost-efficient choice. When there is tooth loss, it’s necessary for you to visit a dentist and seek a replacement, be it dental implant or other options, for it in time, preventing bigger problems down the road.
Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)