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Service Life of Teeth after RCT

Published on:2018-10-24

    As we all know, a tooth consists of three important parts — the outer enamel layer, the middle dentin layer which bears a yellowish color, and the inner pulp chamber containing dental nerves and vessels. 

    When cavities still stay in the layer of enamel or dentin, there is no apparent pain. Once it gets deeper to the pulp, there will be acute and unbearable pain. At that moment, it’s an endondontic treatment, also known as root canal therapy, that will be required.

    Root canal therapy refers to removing eroded tissues and devitalizing the dental nerves. Later, dentists will clean and shape the root canals, followed by a gutta-percha filling. At last, a fitted crown is supposed to be made and put in place, for the sake of protection and good masticatory performance.  

    How long will a tooth experiencing RCT remain in service? Well, the answer is not definite. 

    Accordingly to dentists from AKJ Dental Hospital, theoretically teeth after a perfect RCT can remain functional in a long haul. In reality, however, its longevity varies widely from case to case, perhaps a few years, perhaps a dozen years. It depends not on a single factor, but a lot. 

    As is mentioned above, a crown should be sought after a RCT. With the removal of infected dental nerves and tissues, there are not many healthy tooth tissues left, and the source of nutrition for the tooth is severed as well. It means that the treated tooth will be fragile and susceptible to fracture. A crown somewhat helps protect the fragile tooth and perform mastication better. A crowned tooth after RCT is set to survive for a longer period. Relevant article: RCT Required after a Failed Filling?

    Besides, aftercare also counts a lot. No matter how natural it appears, it’s not a real tooth still. Therefore, much attention should be drawn to take good care of it after the procedure. For instance, do not use the tooth to bite hard foods like crabs, ribs and sugarcane, and do not use it as tools like bottle opener. Otherwise, chances are that you may suffer form fractured crown. 

    Though the endodontic treatment will make the tooth more fragile, you are supposed to seek it in time if it’s needed, since treatment delay will make things worse. If left untreated, the caries will continue to progress and lead to apicitis. By then, you will need an extraction.

    Please feel free to contact me if there’s any dental problem. (WeChat ID: aiyuan325180)